Altar Servers

Other than priests and deacons, no one else is closer to the sacrifice of Christ on the altar than those ministering as altar servers. Serving at Mass is a unique ministry that requires dedication, discipline, and devotion. Not only does a server assist the priest and deacon in the celebration of the Mass, but they themselves encounter Christ in His sacrifice in a particular way. Devoted altar servers play an important role for the entire Prince of Peace faith community, and through their service can help draw others to the Lord. Altar servers, in a very real and visible way, are an extension of the clergy at Mass. In general, our servers should be just that, servants. They model Christ’s words, “I came not to be served, but to serve.”

Questions? Please contact Deacon Justin Reuter and the Altar Server ministry leader at for information.


Altar Server Ministry Events / Training / Documents:


New Server Training

  • For those new to the ministry and interested serving Sundays and Holy Days of obligation (See Altar Server Role Descriptions and Requirements, posted below, for details on expectations and requirements.)
  • Training is offered 2x per year – in Spring and Fall
    • Fall 2024 Training – Sunday, October 27, 12:30-2pm (please RSVP here!
    • Spring 2025 - May, TBD
  • One parent required to attend with server, light meal provided


Lead Server Training

  • For current servers that meet the expectations, have completed cross-bearer training, and have been invited/approved to attend Lead Server training. (See Altar Server Role Descriptions and Requirements, posted below, for details on expectations and requirements.)
  • Training dates are determined on an ad hoc basis between the ministry and individuals considered.


Funeral/Wedding Server Training


Fall Server Kickoff

  • Fall 2024 – Sunday, August 11, 2:30-4pm (mandatory attendance for all active servers, RVSP Here)




Dear Altar Servers, you are, in fact, already apostles of Jesus! When you take part in the Liturgy by carrying out your altar service, you offer a witness to all. Your absorption, the devotion that wells up from your heart and is expressed in gestures, in song, in the responses: if you do it correctly and not absent-mindedly, then in a certain way your witness is one that moves people.

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the bond of friendship with Jesus. You are very close to Jesus in the Eucharist, and this is the most important sign of his friendship for each one of us. Do not forget it.

-excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI, Address to Altar Servers, August 2, 2006


Altar Serving Videos

0 – Postures

1 – Arrival & Vesting Before Mass

2 – Lighting Candles Before Mass

3 – Procession & Introductory Rite

4 – Gospel & Prayers of the Faithful

5 – Offertory and Altar Preparation

6 – Eucharistic Prayer & Communion

7 – Clearing the Altar

8 – Concluding Rite & Recession

9 – Extinguishing Candles After Mass

10 – De-vesting After Mass & Care of Albs