Fr. Greg

Setting the World on Fire: How Scripture applies to our world today - Handout 1

Setting the World on Fire: How Scripture applies to our world today  

“I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!”  (Luke 12:49, NAB)  

This will be a topical Bible study, so not one particular book, but instead jump around  with many different passages from different books, but all related to topic studied.  

Division & Unity  
Enemies & (Non)Violence  
Conspiracies & Trust  
Fear, Anxiety, Response  

Heat Up February - Feb. 14, 2021

Happy cold Saint Valentine’s Day! My hope and prayer for this Valentine’s Day is to get the third degree. Normally, “getting the third degree” is an idiom meaning “to be interrogated, scrutinized, or questioned intensely or thoroughly by someone.” I don’t want that. But I do want our temperature to at least crack 3 degrees today. And people wonder why I don’t like February.

February - Feb. 7, 2021

I am not a fan of February to tell you the truth. I find it cold, dark, rather boring, and I’m impatient for Spring to begin. However, this February, I admit, is kind of exciting. This Sunday the KC Chiefs play in the Super Bowl again. But even more importantly, this month is pretty much the Super Bowl of great faith opportunities, especially retreats, as well.

Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children - January 17, 2021

January 22nd is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children and also the 48th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. It is a tragedy of the greatest magnitude that millions of children have lost their lives, and millions of women and families have been wounded by abortion. The gift of life is holy and amazing! We must protect life. Could we imagine for adults that we would place rights of privacy and choice above the right to life? That one could kill another adult as long as a greater right of choice and privacy was claimed? It is ridiculous.

Archbishop’s Call to Share (ACTS) - January 10, 2021

The Archbishop’s Call to Share (ACTS) kicks off this weekend. This is an annual appeal to fund many important ministries of the Archdiocese that we could not do alone as a single parish. It is kind of the equivalent of our annual parish stewardship which funds our parish ministries, which by the way, if you haven’t completed your parish stewardship renewal, it is never too late! I haven’t yet seen our 2021 ACTS goal, but I did see last year’s results which were impressive.

Happy Epiphany and Happy New Year! - January 3, 2021

Thanks be to God we have entered a new year of 2021. The past year was pretty tough. Still, we surely have much for which to be thankful to God always. Let us pray this new year is a better year, that we can live in peace and security, that we can be safe and healthy, that the vaccines and other efforts will stop the pandemic and we will soon be able to resume normal gatherings and life, that we may freely practice our faith and do many acts of love, and that God may be greater loved and adored.

St. Joseph - December 27, 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy Feast Day of the Holy Family! When we think of the Holy Family, we remember all three members, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I’d like to focus some attention on St. Joseph since he is the one of this trio we are most likely to forget about. Hopefully you have heard that Pope Francis has declared this year from December 8, 2020 till December 8, 2021 to be the Year of St. Joseph. The timing is significant as it is the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pius IX declaring St. Joseph as Patron of the Catholic Church. Plus, St.