Strife in the Home? - July 16, 2022

In this weekend’s Gospel reading we hear Martha squabble with her sister, Mary, even going so far as to complain to Jesus, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” Does that sound familiar to your home life?
This reminds me of my current home, the Prince of Peace rectory, and Fr. Francis often squabbling and complaining about me! I have a tendency to walk quietly about the house, and Fr. Francis has a tendency to not pay attention or hear me until I am near and then to scream in my face! We “squabble” using the same lines over and over. I say, “I was JUST going in the kitchen, or I was JUST standing there, etc.” To which he replies, “Oh yes, you were JUST standing there…hateful, hateful.” And there may be additional similar antics and strife in the rectory (like him eating and giving away my birthday cake, etc.)
So, maybe to make up a bit for that, I congratulate and thank Fr. Francis for his 40 years of priesthood which he celebrates this Sunday! Despite our squabbles, it is great having him here at POP and I am grateful for all he does here and in his main job as minister to priests for the Archdiocese. He is a great neighbor!
On a different note, strife in the home reminds me of the immense importance of families, marriages, and relationships. POP has partnered with an organization called Communio – a nonprofit ministry that consults with parishes to help them with evangelization and discipleship of marriages and relationships. 
They’re helping us set some ambitious ministry outcomes and ministry activities to achieve those outcomes. 
  • We’re going to use digital and mail outreach to invite members of our community to the parish.
  • We’re going to host ongoing events and experiences that build up community and friendships within our parish and with those in the community.
  • And we’re going to implement new skills-based ministries that help people in all stages of romantic life – whether you’re single, dating, engaged or married – to strengthen their relationships. 
But, before we launch this new initiative, our first big step is to understand the unique relationship needs of parishioners. This will help us select the right events, experiences, and ministries for the coming months and years. So, I ask everyone 18 or older to compete a survey. It’s anonymous and should only take you 90 seconds to complete. The greater participation we have, the more valuable the data is for us as we craft a strategy. You can find a QR code in this bulletin (or in cards in pews or in our weekly email). Or you can text the word word “KCprince” to this number: 913-246-5807. Thanks for your help. I pray we all have great relationships and peaceful homes!
Fr. Greg