Sickness And Going To Church / Receiving The Eucharist - February 9, 2020

Wherever two or more people gather, some sharing of germs is inevitable. When Catholics gather to celebrate the Eucharist, our first concern is sharing our gratitude, our faith and our belief in Christ among us. However, during cold and flu season, each of us has the responsibility of taking precautions to prevent the spread of illnesses by:
-Washing hands frequently and for the appropriate length of time using soap and water, or using hand sanitizing products.
-Covering up using the upper part of your sleeve or a tissue when coughing/sneezing.
-There are additional health habits for preventing the flu from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
-In the event of a severe flu outbreak in our community, stricter guidelines may be issued.

* Should I come to Mass?
The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and other holy days of obligation is the ordinary expectation for Roman Catholics (Canon 1247). However, extraordinary circumstances, such as sickness or severe weather, excuse the faithful from this obligation. If you suspect you have the flu or are suffering from a serious cold, please stay at home and do not risk the spread of infection to others.

* Holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer
Well-intentioned folks introduced this custom into parishes in the 1980s. Although holding hands is a beautiful expression of people united in prayer, the gesture is not envisioned in any Church documents governing liturgy. Thus, no one is required to hold hands and is actually not encouraged. It is very fitting to pray the “Our Father” with your hands placed together in prayer.

* The Sign of Peace
Please don’t be offended if someone chooses not to shake hands with you during the sign of peace. An appropriate gesture for those who are concerned about spreading the flu virus might be to strive for eye contact rather than physical contact. You could clasp your hands together and bow gently to those around you, and with a smile say, “Peace be with you,” or, “Peace of Christ.” Or flash them the peace sign as you say the above.

* Receiving Holy Communion
Roman Catholics believe that both the Body and the Blood of Christ are contained in the Holy Eucharist under the form of the consecrated host. But the Church encourages reception of the chalice at Mass as a fuller expression of the Last Supper and Christ’s Precious Blood poured out for us in sacrifice but it is not necessary. If you are feeling sick or if you have a cold sore, please receive Holy Communion in the hand, rather than on the tongue, and refrain from receiving Communion from the chalice. It is not appropriate to dip your host into the chalice, as this is considered irreverent and can contaminate the cup. Considering how many times I get “licked”, I would love to have a practicum for people who choose to receive on the tongue on how to do so appropriately.

The Mass is a communal celebration, but let’s try to keep our individual germs to ourselves and not be so willing to share them with others.