Rosary and Adoration Event - October 17, 2021

Since October is the month of the Rosary, and praying together is such a powerful thing, I thought I’d plug a public Rosary event that will happening this Sunday evening. I too will be attending after the our parish 5pm Mass, so I’d love to see you there and pray with you.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
5:00pm Tailgate: Music, friendship & good conversation
6:30 -7:30pm: Rosary meditation and Eucharistic Adoration under the stars
Fiorella's Event Center
9000 West 137th Street Overland Park, KS, 6622
This event is held by the Movement of the Holy Family in collaboration with the Youth Ministries of the Archdiocese of KCK! Many youth will be there, so it would be great to for families to attend and many adults as well to witness to our faith and the power of prayer.
October 17th happens to be my baptism anniversary, so I will be giving thanks for that gift 45 years later! Do you know your baptism date? If not, I suggest you try to find out and celebrate it each year like a birthday. After all, in our baptism we are “born again” in Christ. But please, no cakes for my baptism anniversary—I got plenty for my birthday! Just prayers!
Fr. Greg