The Risks of Loving - March 15, 2020

When do you think of God? Whether this thought is in praise or whether it is in thanksgiving or even one of complaining, do you recognize The Lord in your midst? The Israelites were in the early stages of their 40-year journey in the desert and they have begun to quarrel amongst themselves and Moses, complaining of many things. They even tested God, asking whether he was even present. Why? Because they were not receiving what they thought they needed, but it was really about what they wanted. Even though the Lord was in their midst, the Israelites fears, intensified by their grumbling and complaining, blinded them to the Lord’s presence.

Jesus violates a number of social norms to bring the Good news of God’s forgiveness and restoration to the Samaritan woman. He showed us that love needs to take risks and He shows that often! Jesus tells us and all of His disciples that we need to take risks to bring the Good news of the Gospel to those who are struggling with faith and faithfulness to pursue and fulfill their God-given potential. Sometimes the biggest risks we need to take is to give ourselves over entirely into God’s hands and pray “not my will but yours be done.”

As we begin the celebration of the scrutinies with our elect and candidates, we pray that their hearts and minds will be open so they can turn themselves over to God for total conversion. We also pray for ourselves, and for all of the baptized, that we too may belong entirely to the Lord, and quit comparing or complaining and realize that only the Lord can quench our thirst. Take a risk and let go of the things that you hold onto and give it all to God. All we need is God’s love and grace and that is enough.
This week we celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20, so be happy with what you have and realize that it is enough. Maybe take a risk and give to someone who is not as blessed as you are in some way. All we need is God’s love and grace and that is enough.

March 21 is the World Day to Eliminate Racial Discrimination. There is much discriminating going on in our world today, and much of it is even pointed towards us Catholics. Are we becoming the marginalized in the world? Religious persecution is on the rise in our country against Catholics, Muslims, Jews and others. Our religious liberties are being threatened daily. No matter the color of our skin or our religious or sexual preference, we are all children of God. And Since March 21 is also World Down Syndrome Day, it is even more reason to take a risk and recognize that every human is a child of God and has inherent dignity given by the Creator.

All we need is God’s love and grace and that is enough.