Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent

This Sunday is known as Laetare Sunday.  The entrance antiphon for this Sunday in Latin is “Laetare Jerusalem” or “Rejoice, Jerusalem”.  We are halfway through Lent now, and the Church gives us this Sunday to add in a little ‘rejoicing’.  The presiders have the option of wearing rose-colored vestments, which just like during Advent, is seen as a mixture of the regular Lenten purple and the upcoming white of Easter.  We can add in some greenery or flowers to the sanctuary.  We aren’t in the Easter season yet, so we aren’t going to go crazy and sing the Gloria or Alleluia or pull out the Easter lilies!  We are still in the Lenten season and it is time to renew our resolutions of this Lent and make sure we’re still on the right path.  If you haven’t been good lately on whatever it was you were ‘giving up’ during Lent (chocolate, candy, pop, etc…), it’s time to get back into it; if you were going to do something extra like pray more, it’s time to rejuvenate that prayer!  We’re almost to Easter!  Stay strong!

Our music reminds us, once again, that we are still in this Lenten season.

Our song at the preparation of the gifts reminds us of many things that we could be doing to serve others as Christ served us: clothing the homeless with warmth; seeing the face of Christ in those who are hungry; showing compassion and care to those in despair.  “Come, Follow Me” at Communion speaks of putting our trust in God – He will be our strength; He will guide us.  Try to put your faith in God as the condemned woman put her trust in Jesus in the Gospel.  Do we have that kind of faith?

Remember the three pillars of Lent – prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  A great time to jumpstart our Lent if we’ve forgotten about these three aspects!