Reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter - May 24, 2020

The upcoming weeks are sure to be full of new information and opportunities at the parish. Please remember, the best place to find the most current information is at .

Mass Resources
Our Sunday Mass will be live-streamed at 9AM on Facebook Live. The recorded Mass video will be on our YouTube channel by 10:30AM. Download our printable Mass liturgy guide and children's bulletin at

Daily Masses: Monday-Friday at 8:15AM
Sunday Masses: NOTE: By Sign-up ONLY for REGISTERED Prince of Peace parishioners. Saturdays, at 4PM & 6PM; Sundays, at 7AM, 9AM, 11AM & 4PM

Live-streaming: 9AM Sunday Mass will be live-streamed on Facebook. Recording available on YouTube after 10:30AM.
Personal Prayer in the Church: Monday-Friday, 10AM-2PM. Please practice social distancing.
Confessions: Saturdays, from 2:30-3:30PM and Wednesdays, at Noon by the Breezeway in the North parking lot. Details and map at

Guidelines for Mass attendance at Prince of Peace (Per Archdiocesan guidelines on 5/5/2020):
1. There is still a dispensation from attending Sunday Mass by the Archbishop until further notice. If you are ill, over the age of 65, or have a pre-existing condition, you are encouraged to stay home.
2. Mass will only be 45 minutes long. Attendance at Mass will be limited due to social distancing requirements. Everyone attending Mass must be a REGISTERED parishioner of Prince of Peace.
3. Daily Mass will be Mondays-Fridays at 8:15AM.
4. Weekend Masses will be on Saturday, at 4PM and 6PM, and on Sunday, at 7AM, 9AM, 11AM and 4PM.
5. Everyone must wear a mask while in church, only to be removed to receive the Eucharist. Please wash or sanitize your hands before entering church. A mask may be an actual mask, a bandana, a scarf or any other material that covers your nose and mouth.
6. The main church doors will be opened 20 minutes prior to Mass and then you will be seated by an usher. Due to restrictions on the number allowed in, these rules must be implemented. Doors will be shut and locked approximately 5 minutes prior to Mass. Latecomers will not be allowed in. Everyone, including children, must remain in the church during the service. No one will be allowed in the Gathering Area or any other public areas of our facility. Restrooms will only be accessible in emergencies. Water fountains, votive candles, the ministry room, the chapel, and the cry room will not be available for use.
7. There will be no holy water in church, no collection at the prepa-ration of the altar, no sign of peace, and no chalice offered during Communion. Music will also be limited. Everyone will be ushered out pew by pew at the end of Mass. You will not be allowed to stay to pray or greet one another as the facility needs to be sanitized for the next Mass or service. As you exit, there will be a collection basket on a table at the doors for any monetary donations.
8. For Communion distribution, please make an 'altar' for Jesus by placing one hand on top of the other for the Sacred Host to be carefully dropped into (avoiding skin to skin contact). If anyone insists on receiving on the tongue, they may do so at the end of Mass. You will be instructed on what to do by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Upon receiving Communion, you will need to exit.

It won't be perfect. We are striving to develop the best plan possi-ble. But it is a process, and we will need your assistance and flexibility as we figure this out together. We are thankful for the opportunity to be reunited!

Help Needed For Our Masses
We are in need of additional help during Masses as new procedures must be followed.

All current liturgical ministers received an email from Melissa Jakmouj regarding liturgical needs and how to make yourself availa-ble. More information will be sent out through the Ministry Scheduling Program.

If you are not a liturgical minister, but would like to assist with other duties before and after Masses, please contact Melissa
Jakmouj directly, at or 785-550-4347. These duties will include directing people to seats, assisting with Communion lines, exiting people at the end, disinfecting areas after Mass and other duties as needed. We will need many people in this effort - especially with 6 weekend Masses. Thank you for your help!