Reflection on the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 26, 2020

Here we are in Ordinary Time and we find Jesus beginning His public ministry with the calling of the apostles in the Gospel. The Entrance Antiphon for the Mass this weekend is: O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendor, strength and honor in his holy place. (cf Psalm 96) We begin our Mass singing “He is the Lord” which is a reflection of this psalm: “Sing to the Lord with shouts of joy, let all creation rejoice! Come join the song of praise to our God! He is the Lord! He is the Lord!” (D. Haas)

After hearing the calling of the apostles in the Gospel passage, we sing “The Summons” at the preparation of the altar. Once again, this song reflects the Gospel message, bringing it home to our own calling:

Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown
Will you let my name be known,
Will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?

Our calling to follow Jesus is also brought to light in our Commun-ion songs: “Pescador de Hombres (Lord, You Have Come)” and “Come, Follow Me”. “Pescador de Hombres’ sings about Christ’s encountering the apostles at the seashore (the Sea of Galilee) – and our encountering of Jesus when He calls us from our own ‘seashore’. “Come, Follow Me” once again bids us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus:

Come, follow me and live; do not be afraid.
Believe and trust in me; your faith will give you strength.
Leave all your fears behind you; let your heart be free, for I will be your guide.
Oh, come and follow me.

We conclude our Mass singing “Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord” where we are once again reminded of Jesus’ call to each of us to follow Him:

Be Christ’s hands, now reaching out to all,
Be Christ’s voice, inviting with His call.
Filled with His joy, empowered with His strength,
May we spread God’s grace through the world, through the world,
May we spread God’s grace through the world.