Reflection for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 9, 2020

This week, I’m going to address a few of the comments that we’ve received from the Parish Survey that we sent out in the weekly parish email sent on July 27th and August 3rd.

Here we go:

“Open up the restrooms for emergency use.”
The restrooms are open for emergency use. They are not sanitized in between uses. You may use them, but just know that you may be touching handles, doors, or faucets that may contain germs (just like any bathroom, anytime, frankly).

“I would like to sign up to help.”
If you’re a current Liturgical Minister and were trained before COVID hit in March, you should have received an email from me this week with instructions, again, on how to sign up to minister. If you didn’t receive the email (and look in your spam!); email me and I’ll get you set up. We’ll hopefully be going back to using the Ministry Scheduler Pro app soon. If you’re not a trained minister and would like to help, contact me and we’ll arrange a time to meet for training.
If you want to be a Greeter/Usher at Mass, which we really need, I can train you immediately prior to Mass. Let me know!

Communion – This is more of an FYI that covers several questions/comments – everyone in the church has to go to Communion, whether or not they are going to receive. If they aren’t Catholic, or not in a state where they can receive
Communion, they should cross their hands over their chest for a blessing. This is so that nobody has to ‘walk over’ another person to get back into the pew to their original seat. Not everyone is comfortable being that close, and in fact touching, another person at this point in time.

Facebook Live Streaming of Mass – We plan to continue this for a very long time. Don’t worry about it going away.

We have a video series to watch for: POP Doctors are answering your questions! We have 6 doctors that are members of Prince of Peace who have volunteered to help us answer your COVID-related questions. The doctors have reviewed the questions and have made video answers for you!

These videos were posted on the parish Facebook page this week. Check them out!