Reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 2, 2020

We begin our liturgy this weekend singing “Gather the People”: “Gather the people! Enter the feast! All are invited, the greatest and least. The banquet is ready, now to be shared. Join in the heavenly feast that God has prepared.” (Dan Schutte, ©2004, OCP.) This song reflects upon the Responsorial Psalm: “the hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.” (Psalm 145). God has a banquet prepared for us and He is wanting to feed us, to live with Him forever.

At Communion, we sing “Come to the Water” which is based on the first reading from Isaiah with theology from the Gospels inserted. Yes, when we thirst, we should go to the waters of life – the water that the Lord provides. When we toil, we should go to the waters of life – the water that the Lord provides. In the Lord we will find what we need. Our closing song, “Go Make a Difference” challenges us to go out into the world. Go let the world see the light of Christ, the love of God, in all that we do. Go make a difference this week! Don’t let the pandemic stop you from showing God’s love. We can still do it. It may just look a little different. Figure it out! Go!