Nefarious - July 30, 2023

Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the movie Nefarious. I am sure that many of you have heard of it, but for those of you who have not here is what you need to know.

The movie is mainly a conversation between 2 people in Oklahoma: Edward Wayne Brady, an inmate on Death Row,  and a psychologist named Dr. James Martin. Dr. Martin has been sent into the prison to evaluate whether Edward is psychologically stable enough to undergo execution. What follows is an incredible portrayal of the work of the Evil One and his minions, as Edward is actually possessed by a Demon named Nefarious. Dr. Martin is an unbelieving Atheist who believes that what Edward truly has is a dual personality disorder. The rest of the movie unfolds from this premise. There are many things that we can learn about the Spiritual Battle that is constantly happening around us, and I highly recommend this movie.

The conversations that Edward and Dr. Martin have reveal to the viewer how the Evil One and his Demons work among us on an earthly level, how they influence us, how they sow seeds of doubt, ultimately how they are trying to pull us away from Jesus and our relationship with him. Although this movie is technically listed as a horror film, it is not your typical Hollywood horror film; people are not flying across the room or turning their heads around backwards.

What should scare us is the reality of the movie, how the Evil One does exist, and that the enemy is constantly attacking us. We may not, and hopefully never experience, a full- on possession as the movie portrays, but the enemy is constantly working and we should be aware and come to know the voice of the Evil One and how he works, solely that we may reject it and choose the voice of Our Lord.

In the end, we should not fear as Jesus has overcome and conquered the Evil One, but that does not mean that he will not try to attack us. The greatest lie that the Evil One could ever sow is that he does not exist. Brothers and Sisters, I can guarantee that he is very much real, but the love and strength of Jesus is far greater than anything he could ever offer. Go and see Nefarious, and when we do give into those lies he tells us, go to confession.


- Fr. Andrew