Lenten Encouragement - March 5, 2023

We are a week and half into Lent, how are your penances going? We begin and start off all gung-ho, we do really well for 4 or 5 days, and then we miss a day or two and we just decide to give up all hope.

When we examine the spiritual life, the evil one is constantly fighting and throwing everything he can at us in order to get us to take our eyes off of Jesus. If our penances are ordered towards leading us deeper into a relationship with Jesus, why wouldn't the Evil One fight and push against it? We are all human, we all will fail, we all need to receive Jesus’ love and mercy in the confessional, but that attack from the Evil One, that attack that we give into and fail to keep our Lenten penance, should not cause us to despair and give up. That is exactly what the Evil One wants, he wants us to fall into despair. Rather, it is important that we pick ourselves back up, and continue on.

Anytime that we try to do something that betters us or draws us into a deeper relationship with Jesus, the Evil One is going to fight. But the more we strive for holiness, the more we strive to deepen our relationship with Jesus, the easier it becomes to continue that task. Remember, these penances are not just something that is only for Lent, they are to be things that better us so that after Lent, we come out better, holier, and more in love with our Lord.

Do not despair, carry on.

Fr. Andrew