The Joy of Confession - Dec. 15, 2019

A few weeks ago, we celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time with our second grade students. As an example to their children, many of their parents received the Sacrament with them as well. Similar nerves were with many of the parents, but many tears were also shed. As adults, we often forget the need to be reconciled to God through the Church and the beautiful sacrament of confessing and being absolved. Rather than thinking of this as a joyful experience, it is often approached with fear and trepidation.

The first reading for today, from the prophet Isaiah, presents yet another glorious vision of the final coming of God. For a people who are familiar with dry desert land, the vision of sudden lush green lands is a joyful bit of news for the Israelite people. The prophet indicates that just as surely as rain can transform dry land, so surely will God arrive to bring new life to those in need. After a long wait, there is joy in a message that a new world will be created by the God who comes to save.

Many Christians have reduced “salvation” or being “saved” to an assurance of a blessed afterlife with God. In the Scriptures though, salvation clearly belongs to this world as well. Biblical words normally translated as “salvation” convey meanings of healing, wholeness, and right relationships, all of which can and ought to begin on this earth.

The author of the Gospel of Matthew is always eager to demonstrate that Jesus completes all of Israel’s hopes, and announces the beginning of that fulfillment in the passage today. John the Baptist points out that it is Jesus who is the hoped-for one who brings new healing and wholeness. Jesus
brings the hope and joy into our world.

And so, if Jesus brings healing in our world today, the Sacrament of Confession is the extension of that healing. Salvation is experienced in our world today through the healing absolution of our sins and being made whole again. The grace received in confession is an aid for us to build a right relationship with God and our community. This is great reason to have joy and is normally the reaction I feel every time I am absolved through the Sacrament.

Please consider receiving the grace of forgiveness this week in the Sacrament of Penance. Every day there are penance services in area parishes or here at Prince of Peace on Tuesday evening. Consider this as a great preparation for Christmas and for the coming of Christ in the home of your heart. Joy and peace can be yours!