The Great Responsibility on the Battlefront of Fatherhood - June 19, 2022

Fathers of Prince of Peace... If Jesus, who is God, needed a human (nonbiological) father in Saint Joseph while on earth, how much more do our children need us!? Our children have a throne marked in Heaven with their name engraved upon it, but there is an enemy that seeks to prevent them from ever sitting upon their throne. Thus, fatherhood is something far more than just ensuring the safe passage of time, or getting them from one place to another, or making sure there is food on
the table (though those are certainly important). Anyone can be a caretaker, but to be a father is to invest in our children and raise them to be disciples.
The vocation of fatherhood looks different for everyone depending on our stage in life. Some are like myself and have young children at home. Others are grandparents. Others are in a role of father figure... an uncle, coach, scout leader, or priest. Fatherhood looks different based on vocation and stage of life, but when we consider our own lives we all possess first-hand knowledge of the positive impact a father has, or the negative impact of their absence.
A fatherhood lived successfully takes sacrifice... sacrifice reveals our love. It is one of the most demanding, and often least immediately rewarding, thing we engage in... yet it is also one that has a true lasting impact on the world. Every sale made, gadget invented, promotion or award we receive will all largely be forgotten in the memories of the world. But not our children. They possess souls that last for all eternity. For better or worse, we are forming persons that will literally exist for all eternity, thus, we must be willing to do whatever it takes to raise them right and protect them from the snares of the evil one even if, and especially when, it is hard or inconvenient. To do that, here are 4 spiritual practices to consider implementing, which look different based on our stage of life:
1. Schedule Dates: Let’s establish a connection with our children. Put dates on the calendar with them and hold ourselves accountable to making them happen. Nothing is more important than meaningful time together and listening to them.
2. Daily Act of Encouragement/Affection: Help them learn their story. Our children have many influences in this world telling them how to perceive things, their failures and successes. We must be active in affirming their gifts, talents, and abilities that have been given to them by God and encourage them to use them.
3. Protection in the Virtual World: Install internet filtration software. Be cognizant that our children are being hunted. We would never allow them to go to an establishment if we knew it was a place where deviants prowled. So too we cannot let our children roam online with no restraints placed on those that seek to do them harm.
4. Bless Your Child: Being a father, you are the spiritual leader of your household meaning God has empowered you to bless your child. This is something as simple as
making the sign of the cross on their forehead and praying something like, “May Almighty God bless you, protect you from all evil, and bring you to everlasting life.”
And so this weekend, as we celebrate Father’s Day, let’s (1) honor those fathers that have sacrificed for us, (2) pray for the vocation of fatherhood which is in crisis status, and (3) commit ourselves to being better fathers to those entrusted to us. This is our battleground, but we don’t go it alone... we are helped by God Himself.
God bless and a Happy Father’s Day to you all!
In Christ, through Mary and Joseph,
Deacon Justin