Grandparents Day - Sept. 10, 2023

Today is Grandparents Day. In my life, my grandparents are the bedrock of my family. The faith was so incredibly important to them that it was a necessity for them to pass it on and to teach the faith to their family. My family would not be practicing today if it were not for them.

A couple of years ago, when I was preparing for my Ordination, I wanted to honor them in some capacity. The chalice that I was ordained with ended up being a gift from and my grandmother surprised me with it the night before my Diaconate Ordination. The chalice was purchased by my grandmother's father whose younger brother was a priest in Germany and ordained during World War II. My grandfather passed away in 2020 and was not able to attend either of my Ordinations.

When my grandmother gave me her chalice, she also gave me their wedding rings. I was not able to incorporate my grandfather's ring, but the 8 diamonds from my grandmother's wedding ring were placed within the base of the chalice in the shape of a cross. Whenever I celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass with that chalice, it is a beautiful reminder to me of how the faith was passed down through my family and the struggles and hardships that they went through.

Today is a great day to go and visit your grandparents and to thank them for the gift of faith that so many of us have received from them. If they are no longer living, consider visiting the cemetery and offering a prayer on their behalf.


- Fr. Andrew