Fathers are to be Servants - June 21, 2020

This weekend, as we celebrate fathers, two men who are fathers in our parish will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate. Congratulations to Jason Imlay and Justin Reuter.

Today is also the 28th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. All men are called to be servants simply because of their baptism, but specifically in their individual vocation. Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate.

#1547 of the Catholic Catechism, states that the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests, and the common priesthood of all of the faithful participate, “each in its own proper way, in the one priesthood of Christ.” While connected, they differ.

The fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders is received only when one is consecrated as Bishop as they become successors to the apostles. Priests are meant to be ‘co-workers of the episcopal order’ and share in the authority granted to the office. “At a lower level of the hierarchy are to be found deacons, #1569, who share in Christ’s mission and grace in a special way,“ to assist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the divine mysteries.

Today, we celebrate how each and every Christian man is called to serve. To be men faithful to God in the service of others whether they be single, married, or ordained to Holy Orders. Let us pray for all men and for a greater response in love and charity to truth and justice.