To Dwell and To Abide - August 6, 2023

Recently, we have converted one of the bedrooms in the rectory into a Chapel in order for Jesus to dwell with us and that we may abide in a deeper way with him.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Peter, on seeing Moses and Elijah, turns to Jesus and says to him “Lord it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make 3 tents here.” In Latin, the word for tent is actually tabernacula. This passage is where we get the word tabernacle and the reason that we place the Eucharist within it. The tabernacle is literally the dwelling place of Jesus. It is the tent  in which he is present, dwelling, and loving us from. From the tabernacle, Jesus is inviting us to abide with him.

Recently, Fr. Greg created a new mission statement for the parish inviting us to abide with Christ. We, as your Shepherds, have made the decision to lead by example in spending more time abiding with our Eucharistic Lord. We are committing to spending more time with the Eucharist during this Revival year and invite you to do the same.

Jesus has been dwelling with us for just a little over a week, and let me tell you, it has made a huge difference. I am less stressed, more at peace, easier to accept things as they come, and so much more joyful. It is amazing what our Eucharistic Lord can do in our lives when we decide to abide with him. Consider in this Eucharistic Revival year signing up for Adoration hour once a week or just making time to pop into the church to spend time with Him in the tabernacle.

To dwell and to abide is the relationship Our Eucharistic Lord is inviting us to.

May the Heart of Jesus, in the most Blessed Sacrament: be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, in all the tabernacles of the world, even until the end of time. Amen.

-Fr. Andrew