Celebrate Catholic Schools Week

It is that time of year for us to champion and celebrate Catholic schools. We are blessed to have a Catholic elementary school here at Prince of Peace, and to have many area Catholic high schools as well.

Certainly there are many excellent educational settings in the area; we are blessed with outstanding public schools and a number of world class private schools. There is something special, however, about a parish elementary school which provides a very unique niche for students and families alike. With the close physical connection and collaborative spirit between the parish and the school, the faith dimension truly permeates every aspect of the school programming and calendaring. As an example, we have Mass with the whole school community once a week, and twice a year opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance. The religion curriculum is excellent and comprehensive and every other discipline in the curriculum is in every way competitive with any of our other nearby schools. Our sports and extracurricular activities are also very successful. We are blessed with an excellent teaching staff and a very capable principal and administrative team.

In these challenging economic times, I know that, often times, difficult choices need to be made in balancing your family budget; but the benefits of a Catholic education for your child far outweigh the sacrifices made. Here are just a few of the many benefits:

  • Strong Catholic values, based on the mission of Catholic education and fully integrated into all programs.
  • Integration of the school community into the life of the parish through various liturgical events and service projects.
  • Ensuring that religious formation and education is a priority.
  • Educating the child in mind, body, and soul.
  • Providing class sizes that meet the needs of all students.
  • Offering a challenging curriculum that reflects the State of Kansas Learning Standards in a safe, caring, and supportive learning environment that encourages lifelong learning and prepares students for high             school and beyond.
  • Provides students with skills necessary to be successful leaders in the 21st century, including state-of-the-art technology and programs that challenge the students to go beyond the core curriculum.

These are but a few of the many reasons why choosing a Catholic education is a choice that will benefit not only your child and your family, but our church, neighborhoods, community, and beyond.

Finally, thank you to the entire parish community of Prince of Peace for subsidizing and supporting Catholic Education.

God bless,

Fr. Jerry