Fr. Greg

Fall Eucharistic Revival Kick-Off - August 27, 2023

Dear POP Parishioners!

This weekend we are celebrating a Fall Eucharistic Revival Kick-Off. A parish "Year of Eucharistic Revival” has already begun earlier this year and will conclude next year on June 2, 2024 (after which we will be called to go out and share what we have received). All the Churches in the United States are participating. I invite you especially this weekend to consider how you personally will engage this year.

The mission is“To renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.” 

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross - August 20, 2023

On August 9th, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. She was born Edith Stein and grew up Jewish, but at the age of 14 became an Atheist. In college, she would study under the great phenomenologist philosopher Husserl. Later in life, she would read the great mystic St. Teresa of Avila, converted to Catholicism, and entered the Carmelites taking the name Sr. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. During World War II, she would be arrested and martyred at Auschwitz.

Consecration Invitation - August 13, 2023

You are all invited to attend the Consecration of April Bailey as a virgin living in the world at Mass on Tuesday, August 15th at 2pm. August 15th is a Holy Day of Obligation—the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary—and this Consecration Mass does fulfill the obligation. You are also very much invited to a Holy Hour the day before, Monday, Aug. 14th at 5pm, to pray for April and adore Jesus. April is a parishioner of Prince of Peace, employed here as our Director of Faith Formation, and a wonderful example of a disciple of Jesus.

POP Mission - July 23, 2023

It is always good to review the mission we are called to and how we are living it out. I realized since I am entering my fourth year here at Prince of Peace, and in prayer and consultation with my various councils and leadership I felt called to update the parish’s vision. It fits with the 3 cultures I want Prince of Peace to have (unceasing prayer, healthy teamwork, & active discipleship), and it describes how we are called to live our faith. We have also updated the parish logo and letterhead to include the new mission (and to use a newer font).


Our Mission:

A Year Of Spirituality - July 16, 2023

jarradIf I said to you “For one year, you cannot use your phone, the computer, listen to music or watch TV” what would be your response? It stresses me out to even ask that question. I am sure that most people would be in the same boat. I would guess that most of us are dependent on technology in one way or another. Maybe it is the occasional scroll right before bed or checking the latest news first thing in the morning.