Budgeting Hints for Next Year

As we begin this new calendar year, it is a time where many look to the past and sometimes plan for the future. Whether you set new years resolutions or not, it is always prudent to plan ahead.

2018 has shown a decrease in many gifts given to Prince of Peace, but also have seen some amazing blessings. We can only do in ministry and mission what you help and allow us to do with the gifts you give. Thank you to all who have sacrificed and chosen to share with us your financial gifts and your time and talent.

2019 will bring some tremendous opportunities to our parish and Archdiocese. Regarding finances, we will soon begin the Annual Archbishop’s Call to Share to fund the various ministries and offices of the greater Church of Northeast Kansas.

We will also begin our efforts to assist with the Archdiocesan Capital Campaign, “One Faith. One Family. One Future… In Christ”. Our target will be to raise roughly $2.9 million. The campaign Priorities include: 25% of every dollar will be returned to our parish for our specific needs, 25% will go towards priests retirement, 15% will go to purchase and upgrade Villa St. Francis here in Olathe, 15% for the infrastructure of the Archdiocesan offices and Retreat Center and 9% to help inner city parishes in need. I will be asking all of our members to make financial pledge for a 3-5 year period to contribute to this Campaign.

As always, I do ask you to think of our own needs first. Our ministries here do so much good for our youth and seniors and everyone in between, and most importantly, our offering of the Sacraments. We are blessed to have staff that does so much, but we could do so much more good if we had the resources that are in the homes of all of our 2,700+ families.

We are also preparing a delegation to help us with a three year plan for Evangelization. They will begin our planning soon and it will be strengthened by an Archdiocesan wide Convocation on Evangelization in October of 2019, and then our three year plan will begin to be implemented.

Our God came into our world and took on our human flesh to guide us and to strengthen us. He invites us to follow Him by sacrificing all that we have and are to the Father as he himself did, and in so doing, we find peace and joy.

God bless,
Fr. Jerry