An Approach to Lent - Feb. 23, 2020

In my many Lenten fails, I’ve learned a different way of approaching Lent. I view Lent as a time to try adding or taking away things from my life to see if I am able to improve. I make it a time, not of suffering (necessarily) but rather of increased focus on God and others and decreased focus on self and personal comfort. I have found that I can take up or give up just about anything, no matter how big or small, and use it as a reminder to pray more and love more. With that in mind, here are some ideas of things to consider giving up or taking up, in beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels, for beginning, intermediate, and advanced Lents.

1. Don’t take the best spot available in the parking lot.
2. Take the worst parking spot you can find.
3. Don’t drive: walk or take public transportation.

1. Go to daily Mass once per week in addition to Sunday Mass.
2. Go to daily Mass 2-3 times per week.
3. Go to daily Mass every day.

1. Don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight.
2. Do the cooking dishes before dinner, and the dinner dishes immediately after dinner.
3. Don’t use the dishwasher.

1. Don’t use credit cards, spend only cash.
2. Keep a list of things to buy and only shop one day per week.
3. Don’t buy anything (except maybe food).

1. Watch only specific, preselected movies or TV shows, not just whatever is on.
2. Watch TV and movies only as a planned family event, not spur of the moment, not alone.
3. Don’t watch TV or movies.

1. Say a family Rosary once a week.
2. Say one decade of the Rosary as a family each day.
3. Say a family Rosary every day.

1. Only listen to audio books or Classical music in the car.
2. Turn off the radio in the car.
3. Say a Rosary in the car or listen to a spiritual audio book.

1. Have dinner as a family.
2. Have a family game night.
3. Read a book aloud as a family.

1. If you like email, make phone calls.
2. If you like talking on the phone, write letters.
3. Go visit someone in person.

1. Eat more simply.
2. Eat up the food that’s in the back of the pantry and freezer.
3. Eat only soup.