Announcement - April 18, 2021

Dear parishioners,

I share the communication below which we posted on our website last weekend, April 10/11, and sent out in our weekly email earlier this week. I am very saddened by it, and strongly encourage your prayers along with your trust in the process.

Fr. Greg


I regret to have to inform you that earlier this week we were made aware of an allegation naming Deacon Chris Slater. This allegation was posted on social media by a family member and did not relate to any of Deacon Slater’s ministry as a Deacon of the Archdiocese.

Following Archdiocesan protocol, civil authorities were immediately notified. As the matter progresses we will continue to work closely with the Office for Protection and Care. Per Archdiocesan policy, Deacon Slater will not be participating in any diaconal ministry until resolution of pending investigations. To protect the integrity of the process and the privacy of the individuals involved, additional information will not be shared at this time. We ask for your prayers for all the individuals involved.

The Archdiocese takes seriously any allegations of wrongdoing. Report any suspicions of abuse to the Kansas Protection Report Center at 1-800-922-5330. If the accused is an employee, volunteer, priest or deacon in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, please make an additional report online at Report Abuse –Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas ( or by calling the Confidential Report Line at 913-647-3051